Santa Barbara Neighbors, ‘The Diverse Artwork Of Marilyn Helsenrott Hochhauser’ by Dan Keep, June 2021

‘Between Seer and Seen: Celebrating the Artists of Santa Barbara County’ by Mark Robert Halper, Late Harvest Editions, September 15, 2013

Santa Barbara News-Press, Life, ‘Photographer Offers View of Santa Barbara Artists, Brett Leigh Dicks, September 24, 2013

CASA Magazine Santa Barbara, Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara. ‘Form, Light & Shadow’ January 1, 2013

Santa Barbara News-Press. Daily Sound, March 22, 2008

Sierra Arts Foundation, Reno, Nevada, May 18, 2007

Santa Barbara News-Press, Daily Sound,Six Artists, Karpeles Manuscript Museum, Marina Walker, September 11, 1999

Santa Barbara News-Press, Scene, May 23, 1999

New York Times, Art Section. ‘Museum At Stony Brook’ Recalling A Pioneering Women’s Gallery, December 24, 1995

Santa Barbara New-Press, Santa Barbara Arts Forum, Joan Crowder, March 17, 1995

Santa Barbara News-Press, Scene, ’The Ridiculous to the Sublime’, Joan Crowder, December 24, 1994

Santa Barbara News-Press, Contemporary Arts Forum, ‘House Party’, Joan Crowder, January 1994

Santa Barbara News-Press, Scene, UCSB, Women’s Center, Charcoal Drawings, October 7, 1988

New York Daily News, The City, The Arts Community, Joan Shepard, September 10, 1983

Santa Barbara News-Press, Scene, Antioch University, Two Women Artists, March 18, 1998


Who’s Who In America, 1999-2000, 24th Edition, RR. Broker, Reed Ref. Pub.Co.

Who’s Who In America, 1995-1996, 21st Edition, RR. Broker, Reed Ref. Pub.Co.

Who’s Who In America, 1989-1990, 18th Edition, Cattell Press

International Exhibitions of Paperwork, 1992-1993, ’Creation’, Yochi Fujimori, The Hall of Awa, Toukushima, JA

Guest Artist: Marilyn Helsenrott Hochhauser 
The Creative Community | TV Santa Barbara
David Starkey, Producer and Host